This man is recycling old picnic coolers into shelters for stray cats for winter! How very cool is this?!

Not only a great idea for cats but also for other animals stuck out in the winter freeze such as for opossums too, especially in the colder months as they are prone to frostbite.
However some people get upset when opossums use these when they were meant for cats.
There are also thoes that argue there is there is a fine line between being compassionate to the strays (cats) and ignoring the massive destruction they cause to the surrounding small animal population.
As some would put it feral cats are the definition of an invasive, destructive species: they spread disease, propagate exponentially and destroy many native fauna such as songbirds and rodents, lizards and amphibians.
Yes, they look like fuzzy cute housecats, but they are not and should at least be spayed/neutered.